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We Are Committed To Take Responsibility of Our Duties

Cloud Engineering

Responsible for designing, building, operating, and maintaining system and application infrastructure based on cloud computing. The team also supports the development and operation of products and services through stable service management of company-wide cloud, server, network, and database. It ensures work continuity by building system architecture on systemized operation processes and responding quickly to failures and/or disasters.


  • Clouds operation: Design and mange Cloud infrastructure/services such as AWS, OCI, GCP, Azure, KT-UCloud, Naver Cloud, Aliyun, etc.
  • System operation: Manage company-wide system network/server/database/external system, document, security, and IDC/cloud infrastructure
  • Service operation: For company-wide commercial SaaS service, monitoring system, operational system/service inspection, handling faults
  • System construction/maintenance: Construct and upgrade commercial service, cooperate external system configuration

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