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사회공헌 목록

Talent Development

Supply Free Remote Solutions for Online Classes

In April 2020, RSupport signed an agreement with the Smart Education Society to provide free solutions for creating online content and promoting the use of smart education devices. Teachers were provided with 'LightCam HD' and 'Mobizen Mirroring' to create learning content, and parents were given free access to 'Remote Call (web version)' to guide their kids who are clumsy in operating smart devices. RSupport is continuously striving to bridge the learning gap by using ICT tools.

Talent Development

Supply Free Video Conferencing Solutions for Online Classes in Schools

In March 2020, as online classes became inevitable due to the pandemic in Korea, RSupport was actively engaged to provide uninterrupted education for future generation. RSupport offered unlimited use of its video conferencing solution 'RemoteMeeting' to schools for free, as well as to private educational institutes such as academies and universities for a certain period of time.

Talent Development

Facilitate Digital Textbook & Smart Class

In 2017, RSupport signed an agreement on smart class with Wangseon Middle School in Daegu to provide Mobizen Mirroring and RemoteView free for 1 year. The teachers used Mobizen Mirroring to boost the use of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet PC during class, and they were able to efficiently manage digital textbooks and devices remotely on RemoteView. RSupport also held seminars to help run a productive smart class and enhance the use of ICT for teachers.

Talent Development

Visit Leading SMEs (for Career Exploration)

RSupport helps to foster future ICT talent for job seekers by providing career exploration opportunities from a tour of giant SMEs hosted by the Ministry of Employment and Labor. RSupport will continue to take the lead in reducing youth unemployment and solve the ICT labor shortage.


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